Intro: Leena Haldar, a certified healer, sheds light on the benefits of the emotional freedom technique
Working in the field of various healing modalities since 15 years, Leena Haldar, from Mumbai, is an internationally certified healer who regularly conducts workshops on the Love Yourself, Heal Your Life program created by Louise Hays, the author of the famous self-help book Heal your Life.
The second, and longer workshop Leena conducts is based on EFT – emotional freedom technique – where tapping helps reduce stress levels. She also offers EFT healing sessions on a one-to-one basis.
EFT: What’s it all about?
Calling it emotional first-aid, Leena explains EFT in detail. “EFT is a self-help tool clinically proven to reduce cortisol levels. The technique involves tapping with the tips of one’s index and middle fingers on specific pressure points in the body known as energy meridians. These are not chakras. Tapping can address several issues such as phobias, anxiety, chronic pain, weight management, self-limiting beliefs and emotional disorders among others.”
She adds that it is like acupuncture, but for the mind. “We think in patterns and most of our thoughts are repetitive. All the self-talk and judging causes stress in our body which get stored. When we start tapping, it can calm the nervous system, rewire the brain, and restore the energy balance in the body. While the stress-causing situation may not change, your perspective to deal with it changes as you think of it differently, which can be empowering.”
Learn to Love Yourself
The Heal Your Life program is for two days, and is more about intense exercises to help people introspect on thought patterns and behaviors, self-help, loving oneself, and the role of stress and family dynamics. She says, “This workshop is more intense, and it teaches you how to love yourself and gives you the understanding that leads to more empowered relationships. When we store negative emotions in the body, it leads to disease; which is also the body’s feedback for toxic thought patterns. We teach people how to stop that line of thought and how to change their life with affirmations. At the end of it, usually there is increased self-awareness, and we provide one month of support, so they don’t slip back into old patterns.”
How they help
Both the workshops offer immense benefits, often life-changing. Leena says, “We have seen how people learn to love themselves, set boundaries; they feel good about themselves and have a better worldview. They also handle displaced emotions better, diffuse triggers that cause them and use affirmations to have a positive mindset. They step into gratitude and function at a higher vibration where they take complete responsibility for their lives without blaming anyone. Their phobias go away too and depending on the reinforcement of what they learn at the workshops, they get empowered.”
Leena will be conducting both workshops here in Hyderabad this month. The three-day EFT workshop, besides teaching the tapping technique levels one and two, focusses on how to practice it on oneself, learn how to work with trauma sensitive children and become an internationally-certified practitioner.
Details about the workshops:
EFT Level 1 & 2 practitioner training workshop:
Dates: 7th,8th,9th September
Fees: Rs 50,000 per person
Timings: 9 am to 5 pm, all three days
Love yourself, Heal your Life workshop:
Dates: 16th and 17th September
Fees: Rs 15,000 per person
Timings: 9 am to 6 pm on both days
Venue for both workshops: Excalibur Hall, Country Club, Begumpet
Tel: Leena: 9870110430; Bhargavi Reddy (The Next Mile): 9642358866