Yes! you can, says Dr Muralidar who trains anyone with any kind of heart disease to run a marathon within a year with the right medical protocols
When Lingam suffered a heart stroke in 2022, everyone told him to ‘take it easy’. Cut to 2023, he ran a marathon and his inspiring story splashed across newspapers and social media. Durgiah, who also suffered a cardiac condition, was hailed a heart hero when ran a marathon. He and 32 others across India have achieved such physical feats. All of them have trained under Dr. Muralidar Babi who has been a runner for 20 years.
Is he a fitness coach? No, but he’s a qualified doctor who graduated with MBBS and MD in rehab medicine from CMC Vellore. He previously worked in Employee State Insurance Corporation as an Assistant Professor where he trained over 40 people with cardiac conditions to complete fitness since 2021. With frequent reports of death due to exercise, especially on treadmills, how does the doc address this? “I use a unique Cardiac Rehab protocol to help heart patients build resilience and achieve physical feats, including marathons. The protocol deploys physician-supervised custom-tailor structured graded exercise program,” says Dr. Muralidar. He believes that exercise is medicine, a philosophy that drives the Advanced Cardiac Rehab services that he has formulated in his health center.
The program dismantles the myths and fears that surround cardiac recovery. “Participants are empowered to reclaim their lives, engaging in activities they once thought impossible. From 21 to 65 years, they are from diverse backgrounds and ages,” he says. His patients train for two hours, thrice a week under his supervision at his facility in Jubilee Hills. Currently, patients are training for the NMDC Hyderabad Marathon on August 24-25 in the city.
Dr. Muralidar’s program offers specialized rehab services for a variety of cardiac conditions, including heart attack and heart surgery. Patients who were wait- listed for a heart transplant earlier last year have run marathons this year. “It’s my mission to prevent early heart attacks and to prevent premature hospitalization and early deaths among those who survive heart attacks,” he says. While he trains a handful of patients for free through his NGO, the rest are trained at Rs 35,000 per month which ranges from six months to one year and there is no remote/zoom training. “The marathons are calling and my patients are answering it with their strength and vigor,” says the doctor.
(Take your cardiologist’s advice before signing up)
Journalist Colony Rd, MLA Colony, Jubilee Hills
Tel: 86886 24653